The integration with Harvest is critical to intaking the actual hours recorded by People to populate the actuals in Parallax. This article provides instructions to set up this connection.
Set Up
- In the left hand navigation, click on Settings then Integrations
- When in Integrations click Connect to Harvest
- Click Authorize application
- Lastly, perform your first Timesheet sync by returning to Settings > Integrations and selecting the newly displayed "Sync Harvest" button.
Now that your Harvest Integration is connected, you will see any Profiles from your Harvest imported into Parallax under Settings > People. Your Harvest integration will sync with Parallax every hour, pulling in new Employees and Assignments from Parallax, and pushing Profile changes on existing Profiles and Actuals recorded to Projects from Harvest to Parallax.
NOTE: Completed and On-Hold Project (Status) and Time Reporting
When a project is moved to a Status of Complete or On-Hold, the attached timesheet to that project is archived in the timekeeping system. The actual prior hours remain however, resources will no longer be able to track time to the timesheet.
If the timesheet is made active again in the Timekeeping system, time can be recorded however, Parallax will not pull in that data (time) into the project due to the status of Completed or On-Hold. Moving the project back to In Progress will "unarchive" the timesheet in the timekeeping system.
If a project is 'excluded' with a timesheet attached, the timesheet is not archived and is still active.
What Next
To see how to connect your timesheets or the field mapping of Parallax and Harvest, please see the following articles: