
This article covers how to add People in Parallax when initially setting up your account.

Editing People's Details

Settings > People Edit People's information such as roles, worker type, Person-specific cost rates, billable capacity, etc.

Tags in the People's Settings

Settings > People By associating tags (most commonly skills and/or certifications) with People, you can find the best resource with the project assignment needs.

Adding New People

Settings > People When you add a new Person, Parallax will push the Person's details to your timesheet tool as long as there are open seat licenses available. 

Archiving People

Settings > People Archiving a People in Parallax also archives the Person in your timesheet tool.


People are automatically added to Parallax once your CRM and Timesheet tools are fully integrated. To find People within Parallax, navigate to Settings > People

From this page you can: 

  1. Edit People's profile information such as roles, worker type, Person-specific cost rates, and billable capacity (if different from the role they are in). 
  2. Add new People, which will automatically sync that Person to your timesheet tool.
  3. Archive any People profiles that may not be applicable. For example: admin accounts or past workers that may still be active in your timesheet or CRM.

Parallax Tip: Billable vs. Non-Billable

Only billable People are used to calculate available capacity for your team, so it might be desirable to archive any non-timesheet People to prevent them from displaying elsewhere inside Parallax. 

Editing People Profile Details

Clicking on a Person allows you to edit the People profile attributes. Note that People may have a Service Match of Timesheet or CRM, depending on where the People profile record originated from. If you do not see a Service Match, that Person has not been connected with any integrated tool. 

Parallax Tip

Primary Roles: It's important to add primary roles to each Person before you can begin resource planning and assigning hours to People in Parallax. 

People Profile Attributes:

  • Employment Status: Determines whether a Person is Active or Archived in Parallax. People can be archived or unarchived from this screen.
  • Employment Type: Employees are considered "full-time" salaried employees, while Contractors may be "1099" workers. 
  • Billing Type: Billable People are typically assigned to client projects and submit timesheets. Non-billable People may or may not submit a weekly timesheet, but are not assigned to client projects. Billable People contribute to the overall Billable Capacity for their role and departments in Parallax.
  • Start Date: The date a Person starts at the company. If populated, capacity not will be calculated for dates prior to the Person's start date. 
  • End Date: The date you expect the Person will no longer be working with the company. If populated, the Person will be automatically archived on this date, however, you can update this date at any time.
  • Primary Role: The role the Person typically performs on a project. Our recommendation would be to use project roles, rather than Person's title to simplify resource planning. 
  • Custom Capacity: Typically, the Person would adopt the billable capacity percentage from the role they are assigned. If an individual Person has a billable capacity target that differs from their role, it can be configured here.
  • Custom Cost Rate: Similar to Custom Capacity, if a Person has a cost rate that differs from their role, it can be configured here. 
  • Service Match: This displays what, if any, CRM and Timesheet services the Person has been matched with.
  • Accept Updates from Integrations: This setting allows you to track changes to the Person's name, email, and avatar that occur within the CRM and/or Timesheet. If there are any conflicts, information from the Timesheet is prioritized.

Tags in the People Settings

Within Settings > People, you can add tags to an Person. 


Adding tags within the People Settings

  1. Click on the Person you would like to add tags to
  2. Go to the 'Tags' section
  3. Select the tag(s) you would like to add
  4. Click 'Save'

Adding New People


Now that People are connected with your timesheet tool, adding new billable People should be done in Parallax.

When you add a new Person, Parallax will push the Person's details to your timesheet tool as long as there are open seat licenses available.  

If possible, always add new People to Parallax first, rather than adding People directly to your timesheet tool. This ensures that your People list in Parallax stays accurate, and prevents confusion when trying to find a Person's assignment from your timesheet tool that may not be present in Parallax. 

Archiving People


When People leave your company, or if there are unwanted People records in Parallax, it's necessary to archive them in Parallax. 

To archive a Person, click "Archive Person" from the People details screen. Doing so will allow you to set a termination date. This is not a requirement to archive People. Setting an accurate termination date allows Parallax to adjust your teams' capacity based on when People leave the company. 

Archiving a Person in Parallax also archives the Person in your timesheet tool.

Archived People can be recovered by selecting "Archived" from the Status filter at the top of the People listing page. Clicking into a Person and selecting "Unarchive Person" will change their status to "active" in the People list. 

Note: If the archive date is the same date as current day, the system will not archive the Person until midnight moving them from active to archived at that time. 

Making Changes to People in Bulk - CSV FILE


When needing to make bulk edits to existing People, you can use the Download CSV/Upload CSV feature located on the People page.  

This CSV upload works for existing People only where changes may need to be made to roles, costs, or other information as noted on the file. 

Once the file is updated, you may save as a .csv file and then upload the changes using the upload link for multiple changes to be made at one time. 

Note - this feature will only work with existing People that need updates/changes. This feature will not update Parallax if adding new people and their details. This must be done from the People Settings directly using the "Add Person" button.


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