While our Project Health Overview Report is great for identifying which projects are going off track and where things are headed for the remaining life of the Project, our Project Health by Period report is going to get you a closer look at what a Project looks like over time. Read on to find out how!
What Project Health by Period tells you |
This section is tells you what this report is for and how you can use it. |
In this section, we'll cover everything you'll see in this report and what it does. | |
How do I identify which Projects to look at? |
This isn't the only report that will be useful to you - check out this article for info an another helpful report. |
What Project Health by Period tells you
In a nutshell, the Project Health by Period report let's you hone in on the variance between Plans and Actuals for a specific Period based on either Hours or Revenue. You can not only look at which Projects have had challenges or successes, but also when within the Project those challenges and successes occurred and by how much much. You can drill down further to Departments, Roles or People, or segment using filters. In short, the Project Health by Period puts you in the driver's seat by giving you many options on how Plans and reality stack up over time periods that are meaningful to you.
How does it work?
There's a lot to see within the Project Health by Period report, so we've broken the page down into sections to help you navigate and understand what you're looking at. Check them out below:
- Filters - Like all Insights Reports, Filters will help you hone in on specific segments of data and time-windows.
- Data Set/Period - Here is where you will choose the Data set you want to look at for a Project (the Revenue or the Hours) and the time period you want to look at (Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or Monthly). For instance, you might want to look at Hours by Month, or Bi-Weekly Revenue.
- Graph -This Graph shows an overall visual representation of the Data Set you've chosen over time so you can identify peaks and valleys at a glance.
- Drill Down Options - By default, you'll be looking at Projects, but you can drill down By Client, By Department, By Role or even By Person to see how much Revenue is being made or how many hours spent by an Person or Department, for example.
- Project Data by Period - Here is where you'll see the actual data that's being surfaced! For the Data Set you pick (Hours/Revenue), you'll see what was Planned and the Actual Billable*, Actual Non-Billable and Actual Total that were recorded through Timesheets. In addition, the Actual vs. Planned tells you the quantity of how much your Actual Total beat or missed your Plans by, while the Actual Variance % tells you the percentage the team exceeded or missed Plans.
- Alert Thresholds - We know that one-size does not fit all for red flags - whether to validate success or signal a course-change. The Alerting Thresholds for Actual Variance % is customizable! You may want to highlight Variances that are over 80% and under 20%, or maybe you want to see 30% and 70%. Adjusting this threshold will help you to get at the window you most care about.
- Columns/Search/CSV - In addition to finding a specific Project/Client/Etc. using Search, we've also added customizability for which Columns you do/don't see! You can download your data set to a CSV here, as well.
Parallax Tip: How is Billable/Non-billable defined?
Check out this article for more information on how we define billable and non-billable Hours.
How do I identify which Projects to look at?
While the Project Health by Period report helps you drill in on specific Projects, it can be a lot to look at and isn't really focused on how the Projects are doing as a whole. That's where the Project Health Overview Report comes in! Check out our article about that Report for more info!