Archival, Deletion and Exclusion - these are three terms you'll often see in Parallax, but what do mean and how are they different? In this Article we'll break them down for you!
Exclusion means that the information will be removed a list because it does not meet the criteria. It is a way of telling Parallax to hide a Project, Stage or Pipeline, as there is not the means of actually deleting Projects. Things that can be Excluded within Parallax:
- Integration Pipelines
- Pipeline Stages
- Projects
Anything you Exclude can be re-included as needed!
*Parallax Tip - Careful when Excluding Pipelines!
When you Exclude a Project, it still continues to exist in Parallax for easy retrieval. When you create a Project in an Excluded Stage, Parallax creates the Project and hides it until you need it.
However, Deals created in an Excluded Pipeline are not created as Projects in Parallax. The only way to create a Project created in an Excluded Pipeline later is to move the Deal to an Included Pipeline and sync your entire CRM.
The information will be removed from the active list and the status will be change and the information will be stored and available to view under archive. Things that can be Archived in Parallax:
- People
- Roles
- Departments
- Rate Cards
- Service Offerings
Additionally, when Projects are merged within Parallax, the losing Project is Archived (though these cannot be retrieved like other Archived objects).
Deleting within Parallax means to permanently remove an object so that it cannot be retrieved. In order to maintain parity with your CRM and Timesheet Integrations, Parallax will allow true deletion on very few objects. Things that can be Deleted:
- The Service Offerings on a Project
- Role Assignments on a Project
- Tags
- Cost Effective Dates
These are all things that cannot be retrieved once deleted, so be careful before deleting!