This report displays revenue based on sold/planned work and the forecasted work from sales.
This report can give you an idea of how much revenue you can expect to earn. You have the ability to filter to see projects with a high probability of closing for a good idea of what to expect for the future. This is helpful data when planning investments for the new year or when you are planning to staff roles.
Report Filters
- Departments, Roles, Clients, Stages, Sales Owners, Project Owners, Financial Models, Project Status, Project Tags
- Relative Dates or a Date Range
Chart Filters (Pipeline)
- Adjust your chart data by setting the probability baseline. This setting will auto-check the “Display Forecast” checkboxes in the table for the appropriate projects.
Deal not displayed ?
The Forecast report will show presale projects which is the sum of all the roles rates multiplied by the roles remaining plans. This is the same calculation for what is referred to as 'projected' except, being presale, there is no chance of actuals, so it's solely remaining plans.
Key Metrics
- Actual Revenue: The amount of money generated during the selected time period
- Projected Revenue: The amount of money expected based on actual and planned hours during the selected time period
- Sales Pipeline/Forecast Revenue: The amount of money expected based on planned hours via the sales pipeline during the selected time period
- Active Projects Count: The number of Parallax projects with a status of "Awaiting Start" or "In Progress"
- Stage Probability: Pulled in from the synced CRM, this is the likelihood of the deal closing based on the stage it is in
Roles Report Table
Pipeline Projects Report Table
Active Projects Report Table
A display of all active projects marked as "In Progress" or "Completed."
- Last Month = Actuals
- This Month = Actuals + Remaining Plans
- Next Month = All Future Plans