
There are two ways you can connect a Timesheet project to a Parallax Project Offering.  Anytime your Project is moved to Active Projects (by moving it to a "Closed Won" stage in your CRM), you can connect a timesheet on the Integrations tab for the project.


Provision New

This creates a new Timesheet project within your Timesheet tool. 

Connect Existing

This allows you to select a Timesheet you've already created using the ID associated with the Timesheet's Project ID.


Provisioning by moving to In Progress, Connecting to an Existing Timesheet from the Integrations tab, and Provisioning New Timesheet from the Integrations tab.



You'll also be asked if you want to automatically provision a Timesheet project any time you move a project to In Progress.


Provision New

Provision New (or just Provision, for short) creates a new Timesheet project within your Timesheet tool.  The timesheet will reflect the team assigned in Parallax, as well as specific other project configurations when applicable (hours budgeted, etc.).

Important Note:

When moving to In Progress, the default behavior will be to Provision New timesheets - you can make this decision on an Offering-by-Offering basis, by unchecking the boxes for Offerings you don't want to Provision.

Connect Existing

Connect Existing allows you to select a Timesheet you've already created using the ID associated with the Timesheet's Project ID.  This is common for in-flight work, allowing Parallax to sync up with an existing project.


Parallax Tip: Where's the Timesheet Project ID?

For most Timesheet tools, the Timesheet Project ID is comprised of digits found within the URL for the Timesheet project.


Important Note: I'm being asked for a Client, but I don't see it!

This typically means there are duplicates of the same CRM Client pulled into Parallax.  Each Timesheet Tool can only map through Parallax to a single CRM Client, so if there are dupes, this won't work.  For more info, check out the following article.


Here are a couple of examples of what the flow looks like in practice!

Provisioning by moving to In Progress:


Connecting to an Existing Timesheet from the Integrations tab:


Provisioning New Timesheet from the Integrations tab:







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