
You may have noticed on the Integrations Page of a Project that some Offerings say "Pre-Sale"/"Sold", while others do not.  You may have also noticed that some Timesheet Integrations on the same page are orange, while others are green.  These two things are connected - in this article we'll talk about that connection and what it means.



Each Offering on a Project may be Associated to a CRM Deal or it may not - consequently a way of keeping track of Status is needed.  Enter the Pre-Sale/Sold selector. 

This selector keeps track of whether a Deal is Pre-Sale or Sold, and it's always present, but you only see it on Unassociated Offerings.  Since there's no Deal to update for Unassociated Offerings, you manually update it directly on a Project's Integration page.

*Parallax Tip - Pre-Sale/Sold only auto-updated during Stage Changes

When you've Associated an Offering to a Deal, that Deal now automatically updates Pre-Sale/Sold whenever the Deal moves back/forth between Closed/Won Status.  However, it is *not* updated when you manually Associate an Offering to a Deal.  If you Associate an Offering set to "Pre-Sale" to a Deal that's already Closed/Won, the Offering itself stays as "Pre-Sale."

Green/Orange Dot


Next to each Timesheet Integration, you'll see a Green or Orange Dot.  Here's what they mean:

  • Green - The Project is In Progress and the Associated Offering is "Sold".
  • Orange - The Project is not In Progress and/or the Associated Offering is "Pre-Sale."

Most of the time, you'll see this dot change from Orange > Green when the Project moves to In Progress Status.  This is because most Projects only have one CRM Deal, so all Offerings created are automatically Associated to that Deal.

Where things can get tricky is when Projects in Parallax are merged together (and therefore there are multiple Deals).  If an Offering is Associated with a "passenger" Deal that was merged into the Project, it may not have been Closed/Won in your CRM yet, and would stay Orange whether/not the Project is In Progress*.  Or an Offering may not be Associated to any Deal, and therefore will stay Orange until you manually change it to Sold.

**Parallax Tip - The CRM Deal is Sold, but the Dot is still Orange

Keep in mind that Associating an Offering to a Deal doesn't update it from Pre-Sale/Sold.  Instead, it is the change made in the CRM to Sold/Won that updates it.  So, if you Associate an Offering *after* a Deal is already Closed/Won, the dot will stay Orange.  You can avoid this by updating an Offering to Sold before Associating it to an already Closed/Won Deal.


What do the Pre-Sale/Sold and Green/Orange Dot affect?

From a Reporting standpoint, absolutely nothing.

Both of these thing exist solely as visuals to help you keep track of and segment Offerings within a Project.  This means they are visuals only - they do not affect your data.

Parallax reports on and filters by Status at a Project-level only, which means that from a reporting standpoint, all Offerings within an In Progress Project are In Progress, regardless of whether Pre-Sale/Sold is selected on a given Offering. They are useful when kept up-to-date, but never worry about any adverse affect on your data if you forget to update them.

For more info about Deal Association, check out this article!

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