
A Service Offering is a template for the services sold by your company. These templates for the services sold are broken down by the project roles that perform the service and the hours/rates estimated to complete the service. When Parallax is integrated with your CRM, Service Offerings can be managed during the sales process directly in your CRM tool. 

What you will see on Service Offerings Page We’ll cover what the different info and options provided on the Settings > Service Offerings Page are, and how to use them.

What you will see on Service Offerings Edit Page

When you begin to create/edit a Service Offering, you'll see a new page - find out what it looks like and how it works here.
What you can do in Service Offerings

Here we'll break down what this page is for and with step-by-step instructions on what you can do here. 

What you will see on Service Offerings Page


Within the Settings > Service Offerings page, you'll see the following:

  1. Filters - Filter by either Active or Archived Service Offerings.
  2. Filter by Service Offerings - Search here for a specific Offering!
  3. Add Service Offering - While you can also create custom Service Offerings or save Service Offerings from an existing Project (see here for more info), click the "Add Service Offering" button this page to create one in advance.
  4. Header Sorts - You can sort by a specific column to find an Offering
  5. Offering Details - These are the actual details of each Offering - the Name, number of Days and Roles, the attached Rate Card the amount of allocated Hours, and the associated Revenue Fees, Cost, Margin Value and Margin associated with those allocations. The date of most recent Update is also included here.
  6. Duplicate/Archive - Clicking the three dot menu will allow you to Duplicate an existing Offering or Archive one that is no longer in use.

What you will see on Service Offerings Edit Page


Once you've clicked on a specific Service Offering, you'll be sent to the Edit page. You'll see the following there:

  1. Indication of the Rate Card being used - This tells you if the Rate Card that is being applied to this Offering. You can select from available Rate Cards using this dropdown.*
  2. Scheduled Budget - This is the budget calculated using each Role's Rate and Total Allocations.
  3. Calculated Duration - Here you'll see the duration of the project calculated using the Offering Duration you've Allocated (see below).
  4. Save/Exit Buttons - You can Save changes here, or click the "X" to return to the Service Offerings Page.
  5. Offering Name - View and edit the name of the Offering.
  6. Offering Duration - This is the duration of the Allocations you've made (see below). An Offering Duration will not exceed the length of Allocations within that Offering.
  7. Role Information and Allocations - This info about each Role will show the Name of the Role, the Total Hours you've allocated within their Row, and the Total Budget for that Role based on their Rate. The colored Cells to the left on each Row represent the Allocations, or the hours you are assigning to each Role. Click on any cell to add or remove hours, or drag allocations to add them across multiple cells.
  8.  Role Position Change - This option allows you to move a Role up or down the list of Roles within the Offering.
  9.  Role Edit Options - Hovering over Role Information will also reveal the following options: Duplicate Role, edit Role Tags, Change Role and Delete Role.
  10. Add Role Button - Click here to add a new role to the Offering.
  11. View Options - At the bottom, you'll see the "Start" button, which you can use to jump to the beginning of the Offering you're editing, as well as the "Undo" and "Redo" buttons to reverse or repeat changes you make within Allocations. Lastly, the View options allow you to Switch between Month/Week/Day modes and the Data options allow you to switch between Hours or Percent & Full-time Equivalent mode.

What you can do in Service Offerings

Add a new Service Offering

  1. Click on "Settings"
  2. Click on "Service Offerings"
  3. Click on the "Add Service Offering" button
  4. Enter Offering Name
  5. Click the "Shape Service" button
  6. Click "Add Role"
  7. Select the role from the drop down menu 
  8. Provided estimated hours per role or service timeframe
  9. Repeat step 6-8 to add as many roles as needed
  10. Click "Save"

Edit a role allocation

  1. Click on "Settings"
  2. Click on "Service Offerings"
  3. Click on the Offering you would like to modify
  4. Click on the square the represents timeframe and role you would like to change. Either right click and select "Add Allocations" or type in new allocations/erase the current allocations.
  5. Click "Save"

When using the hour spreading allocation, know that our hours spread based on the mode you are in. For example if you spread a 32 hour week across other weeks it will be consistently spread 32 hours. 

Duplicate a service offering

  1. Click on "Settings"
  2. Click on "Service Offerings"
  3. Click on the three dots next to the Service Offering you would like to Duplicate
  4. Click "Duplicate"
  5. See the Service Offering with [Duplicate]
  6. Edit the Duplicate as needed
  7. Click "Save"

*Parallax Tip - Rate Cards Update

Prior to our August 10, 2023 release, all saved Service Offerings used the applicable Default Rate Card and needed to be changed each time they were added to a Project, so when looking at Projects prior to that date, keep this in mind!  Check out this article for more info.

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