Notifications is an exciting new way to communicate with your team and receive updates natively within Parallax. In addition to In-App notifications, you can also opt in to receiving ongoing notifications via Email (as well as some Slack options)!
Notifications can be broken down into two primary functions:
- The ability to flag other Users when writing Notes
- The ability to set up Ongoing Notification updates for yourself, in and out of Parallax
Below we'll break down the basics of these two functions and how to use them!
Where will I see these changes? |
Check out this section for some context on where to look for the changes we've made! |
Flagging other Users with Mentions |
In this section, we'll provide a quick overview of how you can flag other Users directly from a Note to quickly communicate with your team! |
Ongoing Notifications |
This section will break down where you'll manage your Notifications, what the different kinds of Notifications are, and what they look like! |
Clearing In-App Notifications |
Once you've reviewed Notifications, it's important to be able to clear them. Check out this section to find out how! |
Where will I find Notifications?
While you'll see any pending Notifications you have throughout the Parallax App, we've chosen the Active Projects Listing Page as an example since there are a few changes made specifically there.
These changes are:
- Pending Notifications (All Pages) - Here is where you'll see any new Notifications waiting for you!
- Notifications Page - This is the page where you'll manage Ongoing Notifications you've subscribed to.
- Notification Selector (Sales Pipeline and Active Projects Listing Pages) - One type of ongoing Notification uses selections on the Sales Pipeline and Active Projects pages; you'll make those selections on the left side of each Project.*
*Question - Can I Sort by Projects I've selected for Notifications?
In this iteration of Notifications, unfortunately, there isn't a way to mass select Projects to receive Notifications on or to sort by the Notifications column, however, as we continue to iterate on Notifications, this is something we hope to offer in the future!
Flagging other Users with Mentions
Flagging other Parallax Users works much the way you might expect - it makes use of the existing Notes functionality, allowing you to communicate with others by flagging them.
While we've shown an example of a Note created from the Active Projects page, you can Flag another User anywhere you can add a Note - the Sales Pipeline, the Project Overview Page, the Assignments View, etc. For more info on where you can add Notes, check out this article!
Once you've added a Flag for another User**, that user will see a pink dot next to their Notifications - clicking this opens a list of Notifications containing the Note you flagged them in.
**Parallax Tip - Users are different from People, for more information about users check out this article.
It's important to Note that to Flag or be Flagged, you must have a User within Parallax (created in Settings > Users) to login and access Parallax. This is different from having a People Profile (Settings > People), which represents a resource that is tracked in Parallax, but does not have access.
Ongoing Notifications
Ongoing notifications are exactly what they sound like - Notifications that occur based on a specific trigger or on a recurring schedule.
Currently, there are four types of Ongoing Notifications, which can be managed by clicking on your Name in the upper-left corner of Parallax, and clicking "Notifications".
These ongoing notifications include:
- Mentions
- Events
- Project Digest
- Team Digest
Keep reading to learn more about each ongoing notification type.
While we already addressed these above, Mentions are managed here - and in addition to the In-App Notifications, you can also select the option to have an Email or Slack Notifications, sent too!
Check out the next two sections below for examples of what Email and Slack notifications look like!
Like Mentions, Events these are specific occurrences within Parallax, so when enabled, you'll get the selected Notification(s) each time that action occurs on Projects you're following.***
The different actions that can trigger a notification are:
- New Deal Created - A Deal is created in your CRM and sent to Parallax.
- New Project Added - A Project is created in Parallax.
- Project Status Change - A Project moves from Pre-Sale, Awaiting Start, In Progress, On-Hold, or Completed Status.
- Role Added or Removed - A new Role is added/removed from a Project.
- Person Added or Removed - A new Person is assigned to or removed from a Role.
To avoid unnecessary noise, any actions you take (such as Adding a Role to a Project) won't trigger a Notification to you, since you would be aware of that change already.
***Parallax Tip - Which Projects am I following?
While of course, you don't need to manually select new Deals/Projects to be notified of their creation, you do need to select which Existing Projects you want to follow. You do this by selecting the bell icon next to the Project on the Sales Pipeline or Active Projects page.
See the Notification Selector info in this above section for more info.
Here is an example of what a Slack Notification will look like:
Project Digest:
This Notification will subscribe you to a weekly Email notification that is sent each Monday, updating you on Projects that have Alerts (example: Below Target Margin or Unassigned Roles) on the Sales Pipeline or Active Projects Listing pages.
Currently, this option is only available via email, and will look like this:
Team Digest:
Like the Project Digest, the Team Digest is sent weekly on Mondays but is based on the Alerts from the People Listing page. You can receive a notification summarizing your entire team or filter down by Department(s) and/or Role(s).
Like the Project Digest, the Team Digest is currently only sent via email, and will look like this:
Clearing In-App Notifications
As you can imagine, In-App Notifications can add up if you don't clear them out! In addition to marking a Notification Read/Unread to affect the pink Alert Notification indicator, you can clear out Notifications by permanently deleting them. You can do this all at once by opening In-App Notifications and either clicking the "..." menu and selecting "Delete all":
Or one at a time by hovering over the lower-right corner of a Notification and selecting the Trash Icon.
Important - Be careful what you Delete!
Deleting a Notification is permanent, so a deleted Notification cannot be retrieved. Be sure to double-check before deleting a Notification!