The Parallax Slack application allows workers to view their allocations created in Parallax and submit that time directly to their timesheet in Harvest. 

For clients who use other time keeping tools outside of Harvest, you can also download the Slack Bot but the view will show only hours allocated on projects without the ability to report time to timekeeping from Slack.


The Parallax Slack application greatly simplifies the flow of information from Parallax to your workers and makes submitting their timesheet as simple as executing a slash command. Via this integration, workers can:

  • View their past, present, and future planned allocations stored in Parallax 
  • Submit and edit timesheets related to those allocations directly in Slack
  • See how much time has been submitted against what was planned in Parallax



  1. Any organization Slack workspace owner with the Parallax permissions to Configure and Edit Integration Connections can establish the Parallax / Slack integration
  2. Inside of Parallax, an admin will navigate to Settings > Integrations > Messaging and then click "Connect to Slack"
  3. The admin will be prompted to authenticate with Slack to finish the installation process
  4. Any worker looking to make use of Parallax in Slack would need to authenticate by typing the “/parallax” command in Slack and follow the Slack prompts to complete the process.


View Parallax Project Allocations

A worker can view their assigned project allocations from Parallax in Slack using some basic slash commands:

  1. Type "/parallax" in any Slack channel to bring up the Parallax app:

  2.  The user can select the timeframe they are interested in viewing to pull up more detail or they can augment the “/parallax” command with:
    1. “Yesterday” to view the prior day’s allocations (/parallax Yesterday)
    2. “Today” to view the current day’s allocations (/parallax Today)
    3. “Tomorrow” to view the next day’s allocations (/parallax Tomorrow)
    4. “Last week” to view an aggregate of the prior week’s allocations (/parallax Last Week)
    5. “This week” to view an aggregate of the current week’s allocations (/parallax This Week)
    6. “Next week” to view an aggregate of the next week’s allocations (/parallax Next Week)Screen_Shot_2022-12-01_at_9.08.44_AM.png
    7. The top 3 largest allocations will receive Parallax branded colors, the remaining assignments will receive orange. These colors are purely aesthetic and there to help differentiate between assignments.
  3. The worker can also directly access their timesheet by selecting the Go To Harvest dialogue.

Submitting Timesheet

Once your actuals match the planned amount, the Submit Planned Time button will disappear. If it’s actually taking you more time than estimated, select the Edit in Harvest button to make those changes in Harvest.

    1. Type "/parallax" in any Slack channel and select or enter the desired timeframe as outlined in the Viewing Project Plans section of this help article. 
    2. Click 'Submit Planned Time' 
    3. Select a Harvest task (if applicable)
    4. Enter hours and click 'Submit'


Editing Timesheet

  1. Type "/parallax" in any Slack channel and select or enter the desired timeframe as outlined in the Viewing Project Plans section of this help article.
  2. Click 'Edit in Harvest' 


Once your actuals match the planned amount, the Submit Planned Time button will disappear. If it’ actually taking you more time than estimated select the Edit in Harvest button to make those changes in Harvest.

You can also type in the /parallax help command to pull up the Parallax Bot to get a quick reminder of what the Parallax Bot can do and how it works.




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