Using the Parallax bot allows workers to view project plans, as well as submit time to integrated timesheets without ever having to leave Teams.


Parallax will integrate with Teams as well as Harvest to give you the capabilities to view plans and actuals for the past, present, and future as well as submit and edit timesheets. 

Installing Parallax Bot in Teams
  1. Go to Microsoft AppSource > Parallax
  2. Click 'Get it now'
  3. That's it, time for you to sign in
  4. Go to Using the Parallax Bot - Teams

Command Suggestions


Viewing Project Plans

Viewing your Project plans is easy, all you have to do is specify the timeframe in which you would like to view project plans. 

Typing View Project Plans


  1. Go to the Parallax Bot within your Teams
  2. Type in Action (View Project) for Timeframe 
  3. View Plans

- or - 

Prompt View Project Plans

  1. Go to the Parallax Bot within your Teams
  2. Click 'View Plans' 
  3. Enter in the Chat the timeframe you would like to review
    1. You can add the following timeframes
      1. Today, Tomorrow, This Week, Next Week, This Month, Next Month, Yesterday, Last week, Last Month
  4. View Plans

Submitting Timesheet

Looking for another way to submit a timesheet without opening another platform? Well, the Parallax bot has you covered.  

Typing Submitting Timesheet

  1. Go to the Parallax Bot within your Teams
  2. Type in Action (Submitting Timesheet) for Timeframemceclip3.png
  3. Select the Number that represents the project you would like to log hours to
  4. Enter hours


- or - 

Prompt Submitting Timesheet

  1. Go to the Parallax Bot within your Teams
  2. Click 'Submit Time' 
  3. Enter the timeframe in which you will be submitting time for
  4. Select the Number that represents the project you would like to log hours to
  5. Enter hours

Editing Timesheet

Looking for another way to submit a timesheet without opening another platform? Well, the Parallax bot has you covered.  

Typing Editing Timesheet


  1. Go to the Parallax Bot within your Teams
  2. Type in Editing Timesheet
  3. Follow the link to Edit your timesheet

- or - 

Prompt Editing Timesheet

  1. Go to the Parallax Bot within your Teams
  2. Click 'Edit Timesheet' 
  3. Follow the link to Edit your timesheet
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