Displays the variance for project performance compared to the plan.
Variance is the comparison between what is projected and what was sold. This report highlights active project end dates that are in the past and the percentage of the way through the team is on a project.
Report Filters
- Departments and Roles
- View by Revenue or Hours
Key Metrics
- Start: The first planned allocation for the project role
- Stop: The last planned allocation for the project role
- %: The percent of the Parallax project that has been completed based on the project start/stop dates
- Target Budget: The amount of revenue planned for the project when it was sold. This can be adjusted in the project financials
- Sold Hours: The amount of hours planned for the project when it was sold
- Actuals: The amount of revenue/hours that have been pulled into Parallax from the connected Timesheet
- Remaining: The amount of revenue/hours left for the project according to the plan
- Projected: The amount of actual and planned revenue/hours for the project
- Burn: The percentage of the project budget that has been used
- Budget Variance: Difference between the target budget and the projected revenue
- Hours Variance: Difference between the sold hours and the projected hours
- EAC%: Estimate at Complete is the percentage that we expect this project to end at if all of the remaining plans are completed as planned
Opened Project Table Values
%: The percentage of completed work for the project role based on the project start/stop dates
- Sold: The amount of revenue/hours planned for the project role when it was sold
- Actuals: The amount of revenue/hours that have been pulled into Parallax from the connected Timesheet for the project role
- Remaining: The amount of revenue/hours left for the project according to the plan for the project role
- Projected: The amount of actual and planned revenue/hours for the project role
- Burn: The percentage of the project role budget that has been used
- Sold Revenue/Hours Variance: The difference between the sold revenue/hours and the projected revenue/hours
- Variance %: The percentage of the project role that matches the sold plan