Below is an integrated and interactive table for projects currently in the active projects list.
What you will see in Active Projects | Here we'll cover the basics on what you're seeing within the Active Projects. |
We'll cover what you can see about a Project from its Listing. | |
What you can do in Active Projects |
We’ll cover some key actions you can take from the Active Projects Listing page. |
What if a Project was incorrectly Sold? |
Visit this section to find out how to move a Project back to the Sales Pipeline. |
What you will see in Active Projects
Parallel to the Sales Pipeline Listing Page, the Active Projects Listing Page is the place where all your Sold Projects live. This is where you'll go to locate, access, and make some changes to your Sold Projects. It can be divided up into 4 main sections:
- View Select - Like Sales Pipeline, Assignments View, and Insights - this is where you can Save and toggle between Saved Views you have set up for easy access!
- Alerts - These are Alerts that call out specific segments of Projects that may need your attention. Click one to jump to a filtered state that displays the Projects in question.
- Filters - This is where you'll determine the Projects you see in the Project Listings. You can sort by Stages, Financial Models, Excluded Status and Tags - in addition to using the Search Filter on the right to look for a specific Project Name, Client or Owner.
- Project Listings - These are your Pre-Sale Projects. If you are using a CRM, these will be pulled in directly from your CRM once connected. They are sorted by Project Name, but you can click on any Column to sort them how you like. Read on in the next section to find out more!
What Alerts are currently available and what do they mean?
The current Alerts you'll see on the Sales Pipeline are:
- Unallocated Time - These are Projects with at least one Person Assigned with no Project Role/Allocations.
- Projected Over Budget - These are Projects where forecast exceeds plan by 20% or more.
- Unassigned Roles - These are projects with at least one Role which is currently not assigned a Person.
- Past Start Date - Awaiting Start Projects that are past the Start Date.
- No Project Owner - Projects that are past the End Date, but are not yet Complete.
Project Listings
As mentioned above, this is your list of Sold Projects - as defined by the Filters you set. The Listing will show you:
- The Owner of the Project
- The Name and Financial Model(s) of the Project
- The number of Tags that are applied to it (Hover to see them!)
- The number of Project Notes applied to the Project (check out here for more info!)
- The Client to which the Project is associated
- Current Status of the Project (Awaiting Start, In Progress, On-Hold or Complete)
- The Start and End dates of the Project
- How many Team members are assigned to it
- The Actual Hours recorded through Timesheets (as compared to Plans)
- The Percent of Planned Hours that have been completed
- The (Actual) Revenue for the Project so far
- The date the Project was last Updated
In addition to these options, you can Duplicate a Project or Exclude Project to hide it from the Listings you're currently seeing by clicking the "..." menu on the right side of the project.
Parallax Tip: I'm missing a Project!
If you're not seeing a Project in your Active Projects there are few key things to check right away. The first is to make sure it's not Excluded - you can do that by setting your filter to "Show Excluded".
If that's not the culprit, you'll want to check your Filters. If you're not filtering by All Stages and All Models, you could be missing Projects. If you've selected Show Excluded, you're only looking at Projects you've hidden.
Finally, you'll want to check to make sure the Project is Sold in your CRM. If a Project is Pre-Sale, you'll want to check the Sales Pipeline to find the Project.
What you can do in Active Projects
While there is a lot of information on this page, what can be done within Active Projects?
In addition to being the place to find and visit your Projects, the Active Projects listing page itself has the capability to present meaningful information and insights quickly. To start, the Alerts will give users a quick glance at 5 areas that might demand immediate action.
The filters are not the only way to filter and sort information. Projects can also be sorted by the headers. For example, if you are an operations team doing your weekly inspections, you can sort by Updated in order to verify that all of the details in Parallax reflect the most up to date information.
What if a Project was Incorrectly Sold?
As mentioned above, Active Projects represent those that have been Sold through your CRM by moving to a Closed Won Stage (see this article for more info). Once this happens, the Project is considered Active - it is treated by Parallax as Sold, and most changes coming from the CRM will not be accepted by Parallax. If the Project was sold unintentionally, or you need to make updates through your CRM, the Project must be returned to the Sales Pipeline.
If a Project has already been moved from Awaiting Start status (to In Progress, On Hold, or Completed), the Project must first be moved back to Awaiting Start status before it can be moved back to the Pipeline. Please note that this will result in removal of your Sold Snapshot, however, you can take a new Sold Snapshot when moving a Project back to In Progress status.
Once a Project is at Awaiting Start status, it can be moved back into the Sales Pipeline from your CRM, by returning the Deal to a Stage that is:
- Not Closed/Won or Closed/Lost
- Has a Deal Probability less than 100%
- Status that is not either Won or Lost
- Is an Included Stage (see Settings > Integrations)
Once you've made any appropriate changes through your CRM (or the Deal is successfully sold), it can be moved back to Active Projects through the steps outlined in this article.
Update Client Name on Project
In order to be able to update a client name on the project after it has been marked Closed/Won the project will need to be at a status of Awaiting Start and before any timesheets have been connected.
If timesheets have been connected, please remove those by disconnecting at the project service offering and then update the customer name. Once the customer name has been updated, you can then reconnect to a timesheet and then move to In Progress.
Completed and On-Hold Projects (Status)
When a project is moved to a Status of Completed or On-Hold, the attached timesheet to that project is archived in the timekeeping system. The actual prior hours remain however, resources will no longer be able to track time to the timesheet.
If the timesheet is made active again in the Timekeeping system, time can be recorded however, Parallax will not pull in that data (time) into the project due to the status of Completed or On-Hold. Moving the project back to In Progress will "unarchive" the timesheet in the timekeeping system.
If a project is 'excluded' with a timesheet attached, the timesheet is not archived and is still active.